War of Flowers is shareware. Please see About… dialog for details.
••• System Requirement
- System 6.0.7 (or later) with ColorQuickDraw or System 7.
- Monitor at least 10" (640x400) large.
••• Notes to version 1.x users
Some rules were simplified to reduce confusion. They are:
- The calculation of due is changed a little. Please see on-line help.
- The December SUN card is now handled the same way as other SUN cards.
- There is no Stupid Doubling any more.
- The RIBBON cards are now called STRIPE cards.
••• Version history
• 2.0.3
- March 6, 1994
- Some cosmetic changes.
• 2.0.2
- March 3, 1994
- High Score function added (only for System 7 users).
High Score record keeps names of top 10 players who made the most money out of a game. (That is out of a game, not out of a war). If the player use the Cheat command during a game, he/she will not be listed in the High Score record no matter how much money he/she made.
• 2.0.1
- January 12, 1994
- Some sound conflicts were solved.
• 2.0
- December 22, 1993
- Cards are smaller and the main window was redesigned.
As a result, the board is much more comprehensive.
- Supports black & white monitors.
- Supports PowerBook (10") monitors.
- Preference file lists window position and options (System 7 only).
- Display scores for each rank.
- Some rules were simplified.
- More options.
- Cheat… command.
- Better on-line help.
- Better sounds.
• 1.1.1
- May 8, 1993
- The Stack is displayed on the Table.
- Table is drawn by a color pattern ('ppat') not by a 'PICT'.
• 1.1
- April 22, 1993
- Options… dialog is accessible during the game.
- First player of a war is decided by selecting a card.
- Check system requirements before loading the whole code.
- Small pictures were moved from 'PICT' to 'cicn' resource.